About Sean

In the last quarter of college, Sean finally had some room on the schedule for elective courses outside his business degree. Both were writing classes, and the desire to write has been tickling the back of his brain ever since.

He has been writing online at ViewsFromTwoWheels.com since 2007. He started the blog with the mission to bring some of the clarity he felt while riding his bike onto the page. While he won’t claim to have reached his clarity goal, it did give him a place to stretch his writing legs.

He has been riding his bike since 2003, and it has taken him to some amazing places. He has ridden from Seattle north to Vancouver, south to Portland, up Mount St. Helens, and over the continental divide in Glacier National Park. In 2006, he rode down the Pacific Coast on a fund-raising adventure with 30 other bicyclists. The experience riding down the Pacific Coast provides the scenic backdrop to Share the Road.

Sean lived in San Diego while writing Share the Road, but he has been back home in Washington since 2012.He continues to blog here and try to write his way out of corners there.

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